Leapmoor have acted as design coordinator and engineering designer in various sectors, supporting client organisations to fulfil their project needs. These challenging roles requires knowledge, experience and drive to meet the project outcomes. By prioritising the design challenges that each site presents, and undertaking gap analysis, we can advise clients and their team of where to invest efforts to ensure the project progresses. At every stage of the process, the costs are reviewed to take account of changes in scope and design.
During all areas of design, Leapmoor work as a member of your team in a professional and transparent way to ensure you get the most out of your project. To produce a coordinated and coherent design, we believe it is important to build trust between all parties. We have professionally qualified consultants who are highly skilled at forward planning, motivating large teams and who have an in-depth knowledge of construction projects. Projects have been successfully delivered by our consultants in the infrastructure, energy, regeneration and ports and harbours sectors.
Our strength is our ability to challenge design decisions and to identify and mitigate project risks.
Leapmoor have the experience to ensure that the appropriate assessments are undertaken to inform feasibility and investment decisions, as well as to create a confident basis for the next stage. We provide concept design directly to the client or coordinate the feasibility study to ensure the outputs are robust and sufficiently developed.
Early identification of any issues, project drivers and risks, and map out the next steps needed to allow informed decision making.
Feasibility assessments focusing on the main project risks, taking into account the scope of works and site specific considerations.
Delivering safe, robust and sufficiently developed designs to meet the client's requirements and to support planning applications, funding review and other project approvals.
Most importantly, delivering concept designs that can be competitively priced and progressed to design and/or build.

Leapmoor manage and ensure the delivery of a robust design process, providing a balance between design challenge, leadership and safety. How do we do this?
We build a team with the high degree of knowledge and skill required for detailed design when working on a traditional contract.
When working on Design and Build Contracts, we use our skills, knowledge and experience to develop the detailed design alongside the Contractor. We work flexibly and are responsive in refining and adjusting the design to get the best solutions for the Client.

We want to help your project succeed by understanding your requirements and giving you trusted independent advice, challenging your team to ensure you get the best out of your projects and investments.
Contact us to discuss how working with Leapmoor could help you through delivery of innovative and practical solutions that exceed your expectations.
Leapmoor are experienced in a design coordination role either within design companies or directly for clients. We ensure project goals are achieved through strong leadership, timely decision making and effective project management.
Skilled communicators who will implement a project plan to allow effective information exchange and recording across what is usually a large multi-disciplinary team working at multiple locations.
Using our skills and knowledge to provide technical challenge to ensure that the project objectives and goals are not only met but exceeded.
Successfully delivering projects within various sectors including:
infrastructure - water, road and rail;
energy - wind, thermal and interconnectors;
brownfield regeneration - demolition, remediation and creation of development ready sites for housing, commercial, public sector;
ports and harbours - land reclamation, quay walls, and piers.

Design review and audit is an essential part of the design process and often draws out opportunity and risk, but overall should challenge the complete and robust design strategy employed by the team. Our consultants have experience of undertaking the design review role, and co-ordinating others.
For a client, this can be a very challenging phase where they can benefit from having an experienced and trusted advisor on their team - someone who is essentially their representative on the project.
Monitor spend profile and cashflow.
Regularly review and provide advice on project risks. and opportunities.
Liaise with project funders and stakeholders.
Regular updates to company boards or management team.
We regularly act as clients' representative providing on-site technical support.
Transfer of information between the contractors and the site operations teams.
Monitoring change and advising on any implications on cost, programme or outcome.
Inspection of works against specification including quality.
Audit of safety and environmental aspects.
Maintaining a record of the works as required by the client or stakeholders