Land is a valuable asset and we are here to help you protect it and to get the most out of it. We can help you understand ground risks associated with your projects and how to manage them effectively and safely.
We are often engaged by clients when they discover that things are more complex than originally thought, or where something has already gone wrong. However, we can provide the most added value to your project as part of your team from the outset.
Contact us to receive the independent, outcome driven and practical consultancy services that you need and that your project deserves.
With over 25 years of experience in brownfield redevelopment, our consultants understand ground risk and its potential to impact on development and investment. We have expertise in the assessment and remediation of land contamination which threatens health and the environment. We help clients to identify potential liabilities and risks of regulatory action associated with ground risk. We provide expert input to help clients manage land in a safe, cost effective and timely manner.
We understand the often complex regulatory regimes surrounding pollution control, waste management and development management, and have considerable experience in working with regulators to achieve positive outcomes on behalf of our clients.
Leapmoor can provide environment and ground risk services direct to clients, but regularly take on the role of the client's representative to manage consultants and contractors on their behalf, delivering quality and advantage. We know that every project and every client is unique and so we tailor our assessment services and remediation solutions accordingly.

As experienced peer reviewers, we too often see risk assessments that fall short of planning requirements or that don't go far enough in terms of quantifying risk, resulting in project delays or over remediation.
Our specialist land contamination risk assessors deliver what is actually needed to satisfy regulators, first time. They are skilled in undertaking risk assessments including complex exposure modelling and toxicological assessments.
We offer environmental due diligence services to support land transactions. We have expertise in statutory contaminated land assessments (Part IIA Environmental Protection Act 1990, as amended).
We can also provide technical services related to environmental licencing and compliance including (but not limited to):
Waste and materials management
Water environment
Marine Licencing

We can support you with your development and regeneration projects, working as part of your team, providing technical and contract management services. We ensure land contamination and other ground risk and abnormals are properly assessed and managed to meet the development needs, as well as those of the regulators.
Redevelopment of former ROF Bishopton
Photo © Thomas Nugent (cc-by-sa/2.0)

Ground risk services
Phase 1 Desk Study (Preliminary risk assessment )
Phase 2 Ground Investigations - design and implementation
Geotechnical assessments
Land contamination risk assessment (Generic and Quantitative risk assessments)
Remediation options appraisal
Remediation design and implementation (including specification, contract and tender preparation; procurement of contractors; project management; site supervision; and verification)
Exposure Modelling
Toxicological Reviews
Peer Review
Environment services
Environmental Impact Assessments
Marine licence applications
Materials management
Waste classification
Pollution monitoring
Environmental audit
Regulatory compliance
Environmental due diligence assessments
Training courses
Learning and development courses can be delivered in your own offices or online:
Introduction to land contamination
Site characterisation
Land contamination risk management framework
Conceptual site model development (including fate and behaviour of chemicals in the environment)
Human health risk assessment
Water environment risk assessment
Remediation options appraisal and strategy
Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990
Land contamination assessment report writing
Bespoke courses to suit your needs!